Goal setting needs an upgrade—especially for modern home-loving women with big dreams.
We’re done with goal setting systems that pump you up, introduce massive tension between your goal and your daily responsibilities, and then leave you feeling like a failure. But we’re also not into fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants living, where your days are spent reacting to each situation, without making real progress on the things that matter most to you.
We’re here (and we think you are too) because we care about living intentionally. We know you have dreams that you want to see fulfilled, goals you want to accomplish, and goodness you want to bring into the world. Which is why we created our brand new goals workbook to help you set lasting, sustainable, and life-giving goals following our ROOTED Goals system. Learn more here.
What are ROOTED Goals?
The ROOTED Goals System is an entirely new way of thinking about goal setting.
ROOTED stands for:
- Rooted in your Core Calling
- Organically Growing Out of Your Context
- Outlined for Clarity
- Tailored for Your Lifestyle
- Etched into Your Memory
- Developed by Providence
Learn more about the ROOTED Goals Workbook here.
The Story Behind ROOTED…
We launched our first product (the Annual) in December of 2019 and soon after we launched our Monthly booklets and gorgeous handmade Covers.
I (Shelby) was putting the finishing touches on my goals workbook. Getting the process I intuitively used to set sustainable goals out of my head and onto paper proved to take a lot longer than I imagined. But I was so close to finishing, and we planned to launch the workbook back in Spring of 2020.
Then… well… as you’re also a citizen of planet earth, you know what happened next. Before I could launch the goal setting workbook, a worldwide pandemic changed everything.
“Business as usual” completely stopped.
I was scrolling through the posts you guys were making on social media at that time, and I wasn’t seeing a lot about setting goals and writing five-year-visions. Instead, I saw what we were also feeling—complete bewilderment at what was happening across the globe. Everyone’s head was spinning. It was a year of uncertainty, prayers for wisdom, sober Costco runs, and tight-chested concern for the at-risk.
I sat down with the new goals workbook I’d made and looked it over. The prompts were thrilling, motivating, and deeply thought-provoking. They also felt like they were a million miles away from the realities we were all facing in 2020.
And that’s when it hit me. A goal setting system that falls apart in a global pandemic will also fall apart when it meets with any major unforeseen challenge that crops up in the life of an individual. In that moment, I knew that I needed to completely revamp my goal setting system.
Our goal setting system needed to draw its strength—not from sheer willpower to make things everything go the way we think best—but from its rootedness in our core callings as Image Bearers to keep pressing forward in cultivating life, serving others, stewarding resources, and honing our unique contributions to the greater work God is doing in the world. It needed to honor God’s role as Sovereign, validate what He’d had already put into each one of us, bring our next-right-step goals to the forefront, and then simply support us in the work of breaking those goals down into actionable, organized tasks.
I surrendered that little workbook to God, and asked Him to give me the wisdom to craft a goal setting system that would give women clarity and support in every season of their lives. I knew my goal setting intuition would be a part of it, but I needed God’s help to write a workbook that delivered only what was essential and life-giving to anyone who used it.
He answered that prayer several months later, while I was loading the dinner plates into the dishwasher in our new home. The pandemic had shaken up all of our goals for the year, and Providence had made it clear that we needed to move several hours away (back to the town where my sister lives, in fact). I was praying over this goal setting system—specifically about what word could be used as a helpful, memorable acronym to structure it.
The word ROOTED flashed into my mind, and within three minutes, I’d worked out every word in the acronym.
A sustainable, life-giving goal needed to be:
- Rooted in your core calling
- Organically growing out of your context
- Outlined for clarity
- Tailored to your lifestyle
- Etched in your memory
- Developed by Providence
Then I spent the next 18 months writing, field-testing, and refining a new goals workbook based on this acronym. And in late December 2021, we launched the ROOTED Goals Workbook.
We’re so excited to be able to equip you to craft goals that will enable you to chase your dreams in a way that is both sustainable and life-giving. We can’t wait to see your ROOTED Goals in action!