
productivity season

July 20, 2022

How to Prioritize (The First Domino Effect)

If you’ve been in our community for long, you know that I (Shelby) have often shared that I am not a natural at prioritization. It was watching my younger sister McCauley live her ordinary (and yet remarkable) life that propelled me into the time-management space. She’s a queen at getting the right things done, the right way, at the right time, and in the right amount of time. I’m the late bloomer in that area.

When I’d complain about how much better her life was than mine (just keeping it real here), she’d always go back to the same thing: prioritization.

That answer really used to annoy me because I didn’t have a clue about how to prioritize. I’d try to get her to explain to me how she figured out what she needed to do next—and she didn’t know how to explain it to me! She’d just kind of look at everything she had on her plate and then…know. It honestly seemed like magic to me.

It took me reading stacks of time-management books and articles, binging podcasts, and enrolling into workshops and webinars to start to get a sense for how this prioritization thing worked. From that research, I hobbled together some planning worksheets that applied the 80/20 rule to the Eisenhower Matrix, and helped me translate all of that into a time-blocked plan for my day. (It was actually in showing those worksheets to McCauley that the idea for the Evergreen Planner was sparked in the first place!)

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June 22, 2022

Recap of Podcast Season 2 Episodes

We had so much fun recording the second season of our podcast. The topics below create a great foundation for building effective planning strategies, and each episode comes from a perspective of planning that combines personal responsibility with self-compassion, something we are very passionate about! Like all the content we put out, we believe these topics will help you to make intentional living an increasingly intuitive part of our life!

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May 11, 2022

Identifying Your Productivity Season – Podcast Ep 14

Listen to episode 14 on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

Although productivity and time-management resources seldom address this reality, different seasons of life significantly affect your productivity in different ways. It can be easy to get caught up into thinking we should be able to plan and execute tasks regardless of what is happening around us, but this simply isn’t the case. Your productivity is going to fluctuate based on the season you find yourself in, and that’s not a bad thing.

As we’ve studied our lives and others’, we’ve come to identify three seasons of our productive lives. Everyone goes through these seasons (and it’s possible to be in between seasons), but the key is to recognize each season early, and to understand and embrace the ways your current season will inevitably impact your productivity. In fact, knowing what season you’re in and having clarity about the types of goals and tasks you should be focusing on in that season, is a key component to a sustainable time-management strategy. 

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