
Planner Tips

August 11, 2021

Our Dutch Door Layout: The How & The Why

Perhaps more than any other feature in our planner, the built-in dutch door layout is the most unique to the Evergreen planner system. It’s widely used in the bullet journaling community, but we built ours seamlessly into the design and functionality of the Monthly booklet.

When it came to designing our planner, a built-in dutch door was near the top of the “must have” list & here’s why:

Have you ever made a great plan and it seemed perfect in every way (actionable, the right season, doable), but then you almost immediately went off plan? It’s not just you!

In “Boundaries for Leaders,” Dr. Henry Cloud reveals that making a plan and then completely proceeding without following the plan plagues organizations everywhere.

As a coach, he recommends creating a system where essential, updated information and goal-driving tasks are ALWAYS before the eyes. He says systems like this create what’s called “a working memory” which is vital for getting & keeping the brain on board with the overarching mission in day-to-day operations.

This is what our dutch door feature provides. Your agenda for the full week stays in view while you plan your days. Your habit tracker keeps your habit-goals top of mind. Above that is a flex space that stays visible all week long for a running to-do list or for weekly goals and reminders. This is exactly the type of system your brain craves to stay focused.

To create the dutch door effect you can either fold or tear off the edges of the day spread pages at the perforated line. This enables you to see your week’s agenda and habit tracker all week long.

Folded or removed edges are great for grocery lists that can be torn and taken to the store, notes from phone calls, or running to-do lists. {pro-tip: leaving the Sunday Dutch Door and folding it toward your week spread, creates the perfect place to brain-dump your week’s to-do list. The list can be folded out to view while planning each day, or paper-clipped closed to enable you to see your vertical calendar}

Using a piece of washi tape, these paper strips can easily be moved from page to page as your week progresses, enabling you to move lists or notes as you need them. If you don’t have an immediate use for the removed paper edges, they can be kept in the back of the Cover for later use, or given to kiddos who like to plan just like mama!


The Evergreen Planner system is comprised of three unique pieces: the Cover, the Annual and the Monthly. Here at Evergreen we believe in self-compassionate planning and want to inspire women to craft a lifestyle that both fuels their dreams and serves their daily rhythms. Learn more about our system here!

August 4, 2021

Getting Started with the Evergreen Planner: The Monthly

As we’ve said before, the Monthly booklet is the muscle of the Evergreen Planner system. It is intuitively designed to help you plan your weeks, time-block your days, organize your thoughts, develop highly effective habits, and generally make space for the most important things in life. It is a way of planning that will grow with you as you hone your planning skills & planning rhythm. The way you use it in your first month will likely be entirely different than the way you use it 12 months in. 

Begin by folding or tearing the perforated edges of each day page of your current week. This creates the dutch door effect in the layout, and will allow you to see your week’s agenda and your day spread at the same time. {pro-tip: folded/torn pages can be used for lists, scratch notes, given to kids for notes or paper chains, and easily recycled when no longer needed}

On the first page of your week (we call this the “week spread”) write the month and dates on the vertical week agenda space in the leftmost column. Then in that same column, write down any appointments and deadlines you have for the week. We recommend that all time-sensitive data is marked in that leftmost column so that it will remain visible throughout the week.

Fill in the three columns to the right of the vertical calendar. These categories are customizable to your lifestyle, but here are some schemes you can try:

  • Home | Business | Meals (for the working gal who also has to #feedthelittlepeople)
  • To Do | Lessons | Activities (for the homeschool mama always on the go)
  • Morning | Afternoon | Evening (for the lady who likes to map her day in time blocks)
  • Homework | Work | Friends (for the college chic doing #allthethings)
  • Job | Side Hustle #1 | Side Hustle #2 (we see you, dreamer girl)

Just as the Annual gives you a map of your year, the week spread gives you a map of your week, and serves as a great reference as you go to plan each day. Have a business task that needs to fall on a specific day? You now have a place to anchor that. Have a set day you do errands, or perhaps a theme for every day of the week? You now have a framework ready to fill in!

The blank bullet space to the right of the calendar and column page can be used to braindump to-do lists, write out meals for the week, sketch something lovely, or write something that will inspire you throughout the week. Make it serve you how you like! If nothing readily comes to mind, leave it blank! This is your planner, and white space is good for the brain.

At the end of your week (the rightmost section of your Saturday day spread), you will find a habit tracker. Above that, you’ll also see a column of blank bullet space. Use the blank bullet space for something you want to see all week. Our favorite uses:

  • Listing 1-3 target goals for the week
  • Keeping a to-do list for the random things that pop up through the week
  • Writing a running list of people to get back to

Planning each day can happen the night before or in the morning—or at lunch, you know, when life happens. But we will tell you this: if you consistently make space at the same time every day to sink into deep work mode {80-90% singular focus} while using your planner to reverse engineer your goals, you can make some serious progress on intentional living in a remarkably short amount of time (for more about our approach to goal planning, read our ROOTED goal series).

Use the targets section to write out your top 3-5 goals for that day. This can be as simple as “fold laundry” or as weighty as a major business goal. This section should replace the traditional to-do list in your mind. Research has proven that conventional to-do lists overwhelm rather than help get you focused on what matters most. But distilling your top targets down to just 1-3 goals, you’re forced to ask the question: “what will really move the needle forward on what matters most today?”

Use the lined section under the day header to time-block, writing the hours along the left side {pro-tip: start your day when you want & end it when you want, whether that’s tracking all the hours you’re awake, or just your working hours}.

Referencing your vertical week agenda (that you can see thanks to those torn/folded perforated dutch doors), write out any appointments you have that day. Then, chart out when you’ll be doing each of your top targets. Mark out your daily rhythm as well: meals, nap time, commutes, work hours, etc.

Use the bullet space under the “to do” header to write out specific tasks you plan to tackle during the day {pro-tip: write your to-do list items next to the appropriate time-blocks}.

Taking time to reflect upon and write down the day’s lessons, victories & gratitude are proven methods of increasing personal growth and productivity. Writing down your seasonal goals, and your motivational “why” behind each one, is scientifically proven to help you become more likely to achieve those goals! (Our micro-journaling prompts are a streamlined version of the reflection habits that world class leaders attribute as foundational to their success!) However, if you’re feeling the least bit overwhelmed, know that these sections can be customized to whatever matters most to you in this season. We even know mamas who use the “lessons” portion to track their kiddos’ schoolwork!

The blank bullet space on each day is completely customizable. It’s there for you any time you need a place to write something down throughout your day. Take notes, make lists, take up long-form journaling, sketch things (practical or artistic), brain-dump, mind-map, or design your own Pinterest-inspired layouts. Whether you use it to the max, or whether it’s often blank, it’s always there to help you organize your thoughts.


The Evergreen Planner system is comprised of three unique pieces: the Coverthe Annual and the Monthly. Here at Evergreen we believe in self-compassionate planning and want to inspire women to craft a lifestyle that both fuels their dreams and serves their daily rhythms. Learn more about our system here!

July 28, 2021

Getting Started with the Evergreen Planner: The Cover and The Annual

If you’ve spent anytime following us on Instagram or here on the blog, you know we spent YEARS hustling and dreaming about the day this planner system would get into YOUR hands. We get so excited with each new purchase, because we know the power of this planner system to help you craft an intentional lifestyle, day in and day out.

The Evergreen Planner doesn’t just track everything you have to get done each day (though it does do a marvelous job of that). The Evergreen Planner was engineered as a daily companion that gets you focused to take action on those vital heart goals that keep throbbing at your core. And behind this gorgeous product is a movement of women who believe that goals like that are worth crafting a lifestyle to support.

But learning to plan is not just about having the right planning tools; a big part of being able to craft an intentional lifestyle is being able to make those tools work for you. This is what our new blog series is going to be all about.

This series will give you everything you need to set up this planner in a way that completely fits you—your lifestyle, your goals, your priorities. If you’ve purchased our system, you will have received a lot of this info over email. But the uses of this planner are truly endless. We are regularly discovering new ways we use it in our own lives, so even if you’ve seen this info, keep reading! You never know what new tricks you might pick up.

If you’re brand new to our way of planning, remember that like any new system you implement, it may take some time to break in. Don’t sweat if it seems to take a little while to find your rhythm. We’re all about self-compassionate planning around here. Make adjustments and keep tweaking what you’re doing – because at the end of the day, that’s all that matters: you having a planner that works for your goals and dreams.

Setting up your new planner: The Cover

This traveler’s journal is as useful as it is beautiful! It was designed to protect and bind your system into one cohesive unit, all while maintaining a timeless look that works for any style.

  • Slip your Annual in the first elastic, and your Monthly in the next {pro-tip: if your booklets feel loose, undo the knot of your spine elastic, tighten, and re-tie}.
  • Loop pen clips through one circle elastic on the right side {McCauley holds 3-4 pens on hers!}, and loop your favorite washi tape in the other.
  • Fill those pockets with receipts, planning accessories, sticky pads, a ruler or polaroids… you know, #allthethings {Shelby has legit replaced her wallet with her Cover!}

Setting up your new planner: The Annual

This is the bird’s eye-view of your year. Mark important dates you don’t want to forget {pro-tip: don’t mark every date you can think of – mark only the ones you will need to show up for, which will require planning or space to celebrate}

Use the three pages between each month in a way that suits your lifestyle. Check out our Pinterest board for spread inspiration!

We’ve left this space for you to:

The Annual is an extremely versatile piece. It can be as beautiful or as simple as you need it to be!


The Evergreen Planner system is comprised of three unique pieces: the Cover, the Annual and the Monthly. Here at Evergreen we believe in self-compassionate planning and want to inspire women to craft a lifestyle that both fuels their dreams and serves their daily rhythms. Learn more about our system here!

May 12, 2021

How to Use a Planner When You Don’t Know How to Plan

Do you want to start using a planner to make sense of your time management, but you feel intimidated by the actual process of planning? Or perhaps you were an organizational rockstar at one point, but it feels like your wherewithal has flown the coop?

You’re not alone.

Most women have (or currently do) struggle with those same feelings. Even the ladies at Team Evergreen are intimately acquainted with them!

These feelings of inadequacy can pop up every time we transition into a new season of life, such as:

  • having a baby
  • leaning into a new style of homeschooling
  • recovering from a crisis
  • moving
  • seasons of illness 
  • new work hours
  • coming home after a long trip

Change is a reality that we regularly have to grapple with.

With change comes new dynamics. With new dynamics comes the need for new skills.

The good news is that using a planner can help you gain your sea legs a whole lot faster

Start Making Sense of Your Time By Recording How You Spend It

This is a lifestyle crafting hack that the ladies at Team Evergreen fall back on regularly

If you don’t feel confident with the plans you’re making, don’t keep fudging. There’s no shame in taking a step back and deciding to rework your strategy altogether.

The best way to use your planner in these re-orientation seasons is to track how you are spending your time. This is a world-class time management strategy that is recommended by top productivity experts because it works.

You can be as intensive or as relaxed as you want with this exercise. 

Many people who know they’re wasting loads of time will require themselves to account for every half hour they spend for several days. This helps them to see patterns of responsibility avoidance, external distraction triggers, and areas of their lives where they need better boundaries.

Others just casually sit down in the evening and fill in their timeblockers with a general flow of how the day went. This helps them to identify recurring events, brainstorm proactive rhythms, optimize their timeblocks, and troubleshoot scheduling conflicts. 

This practice is gold for life transitions:
  • Having a baby. After taking time exclusively for healing and baby snuggles, many mamas who use the Evergreen Planner like to start tracking their baby’s nursing and sleeping habits with the timeblocker. This helps them to see how their baby’s needs interplays with the rest of their household and their work, and helps them to begin designing gentle rhythms. Focusing on the joy of caring for a new life while grappling with the challenges of time management can help you build positive associations with these new problem-solving responsibilities.
  • Leaning into a new style of homeschooling. This has been an especially relevant topic with the pandemic having so many students suddenly homebound. Even before the pandemic, home educating families are very familiar with steep learning curbs coming with every new school year. It can take so much pressure off of you as an educational facilitator to stop expecting yourself to have a perfect school plan that is guaranteed to last you for the rest of the semester. Instead, try using your planner to simply track what you have been doing for school each day. You can have a short list of daily targets that you keep nearby so you can evaluate your progress and make adjustments throughout the day. Otherwise, just keep your eyes open for the learning experiences your students are having, and make a record of them. (Observing the child is actually a key practice in Montessori circles!) This will give you so much rich data for making small but powerful adjustments to support their learning journeys. Having a strong record will be a serious confidence-booster for you, too!
  • Recovering from a crisis. When unexpected emergencies hit, it’s natural for your rhythms to fall away as you launch into survival mode. But after the storm has passed and you’ve taken some time to just breathe, your planner can help you start getting some things on track again. Sometimes, emergencies significantly change us or our dynamics. Instead of just trying to go back to the way everything worked before, try restarting just one or two key things that still make sense in this season in order to regain a sense of stability (e.g. set meal times, naptime, bedtime rhythms, getting up early, etc.) With everything else, let your expectations be gentle. From there, you can begin to build out new rhythms anchored in those one or two key habits you’ve rebooted.
  • Moving. This can feel like throwing your life into a blender and then still trying to navigate it with 2/3rds of your worldly possessions in cardboard boxes. (Actually, that’s exactly what moving is.) It takes time to unpack and organize your new house, build muscle memory in your new kitchen, figure out new cleaning routines, and identify the best new day for running errands. Shelby has a ridiculously copious amount of experience with moving, and she’s found her stride in quickly re-establishing a strong morning rhythm and then using the afternoons to rapidly improve the state of the house. Once things are 80% functional, taking a few weeks to try on new rhythms and then reflect on what’s working and what’s not has helped her minimize the disruptive aspects of moving.
  • Seasons of illness. Time management during or after seasons of illness is very challenging. (And that challenge is compounded when illness is chronic.) Unreliable sleep, learning new supplement / nutrition / medicine routines, time draining appointments and research sprints, and the negative effects that illness can have on your motivation can all flow together to erode your best rhythms and habits. However, regaining a sense of control and personal responsibility is vital for the future health of the home. The planner is excellent not only for tracking health regimes and building in margin for healing—it also gives you a platform for getting laser focused on the non-negotiable priorities that will improve everything else. Once you’ve streamlined those priorities, you can begin infusing new life into your days by trying new things and then reflecting on the results.
  • New work hours. Because work is a non-negotiable for at least one parent, work schedules often provides a sort of template for the rest of the household. When work hours change or a deadline grows closer, it tends to significantly affect all of our other rhythms. (Not to mention the impact that a global pandemic can have on everything.) Using your planner to chart out new work schedules and then record how everything else interacts with the changes can be an incredible exercise. This helps you map out all of the new territory, and inspires you to be creative with the time you do have.
  • Coming home after a long trip. Being away from home can do a number on your family’s sense of “normal.” As fun as adventures are, getting back into the swing of things afterwards can be areal  challenge! It can help to focus on re-establishing a strong morning rhythm, and then to use the afternoons to get things back in order. Rebooting one or two key rhythms from your pre-trip schedule can do so much to recover a sense of stability as well. But to really get your mind back into “normal life” gear, take some time to write down all of the things that are coming up next in your week, your month, and your quarter. This will rapidly reorient your mind around future realities, and help you re-engage your proactive muscles.


Our quarterly subscription box of Monthly booklets will open to new subscribers in just a few days! Join the waitlist to be among the first to know. Don’t miss the chance to build a strong planning habit that will carry you through 2021 with intention towards the things that matter most to you.